Noélie, Paris, September 2021 I think beauty isn't meant to be "perfect" and diversity is what makes you beautiful.
Paris, September 2021 Iman, The reflection of i’mperfect beauty can be read in the eyes, because real beauty is everything around us.
Fara, Paris, September 2021
Sira, Paris, September 2021 Perfectly or perfection doesnt exist! Dont run for that!”
Elsa, Paris, September 2021
Firdous, Paris, September 2021 IMPERFECT BEAUTY is beauty itself. A beauty that will is evolving throughout time, that lives, that ages, that changes, that surprises, that is unique.
Naïlat, Paris, September 2021 This body is mine forever, gotta love it.
Lisa, Paris, September 2021
Margot, Paris, September 2021, I think that having afraid of imperfection is a big wast of time and energy
Maëlle, Paris, September 2021, we see imperfection like a weekness but it is just true beauty : nothing is hidden or fake
Laura, Barcelona, February 2022 , I feel beautiful when I’m doing things that make me happy
Carla,Rome, March 2022
Gaja Rome, March 2022
“Questa è la bellezza imperfetta
Vicina a te
A un millimetro del tuo naso
Per farti sentire
Meno sbagliato
Per farti sentire
A tuo agio nel caos che ci circonda”
Roberta, Rome, 2022 “I’mperfect beauty” vuol dire un’anarchica rappresentazione dell’estetica un’opposizione a un canone monotono.
Lara, Rome, 2022
Gina, New York, March 2020
Unknown, New York, March 2020
Unknown, New York, March 2020
Unknown, New York, March 2020
Hanah, September 2021 - It is important to make future generations understand that beauty is not what we see through our screens, beauty comes above all from who you are inside.
Alicou, September 2021
Yseult, New York, March 2020
Bre Andy, New York, March 2020
Silver March New York 2020
Kristina, Barcelona, February 2022
Skyllar, New York, March 2020The things we go through or the maybe don’t see as conventionally beautiful give us strength and character
Liv, New York, March 2020
Gemma, Rome, March 2022La bellezza imperfetta è per me quella che accetta i suoi difetti e ne fa il suo punto di forza
Anna, Barcelona, February 2022
Lola Kola, Rome, March 2022
Unknow, New York, March 2020
Claudia, Rome, March 2022 Credo nella bellezza dell'imperfezione, nell'attrazione data dalla particolarità, nell'esaltazione della caratteristica e sopratutto nella personalità.
Myriam, Barcelona, February 2022
La belleza perfecta es aburrida y sin magia. La gente con belleza imperfecta la recuerdas y te interesa.
Elena Barcelona, February 2022
It's about stepping out of the standards, taking control of our own nature and embracing our flaws
Laura & Maria, Barcelona, February 2022
Anne, Barcelona, February 2022 perfection in the field of canons is a concept that exists as a rejection of a wild part of our nature.
Cris, Barcelona, February 2022
l'MPERFECT BEAUTY lies in the experiences that shape our lives and shape us as people and as a society.
Katya, Rome, March 2022
Unknown, New York, March 2020
Shiho, Barcelona, February 2022
l'MPERFECT BEAUTY means being who I am and loving what I have been given.
Praxedes, Barcelona, February 2022
Lucia - Barcelona, February 2022
Helen, Barcelona, February 2022
Alice, Rome, March 2022
Sarah, March 2022
Ciò che è bello è ciò che è unico ed ha solo da raccontarti e stimolare la tua creatività con le sue sfaccettature. Il bello è quello che non abbiamo ancora mai visto.